5 (More) NvMA Blog Posts You May Have Missed
Whether its ghost towns lost to time or celebrating industry safety, the NvMA’s #mineblog shares the story of the Silver State’s mining industry. Here are 5 posts you may have missed in 2018.

1) 5 Ways Nevada Mining Makes Your Car Go
Your car’s engine wouldn’t purr without Nevada mining. Check out 5 ways Nevada minerals help your car go.
2) Nevada Mining Announces 2018 Safety Awards
Every year, the NvMA Safety Awards recognizes the dedication to workplace safety being done by miners and operations across the state. This year, 51 individuals and 29 operations were celebrated for their great work.
3) Nevada Ghost Towns: Belmont
The Nevada map is dotted with old mining towns that briefly flourished after the discovery of ore, only to die out after mines stopped producing. Belmont is one of those towns, with a spooky connection to one of America’s most prolific serial killers.
4) Nevada Mining Ingenuity: The Sutro Tunnel
Mining is Nevada’s original STEM industry and has been responsible for a number of engineering and technological achievements. One of those is the 4-mile long Sutro Tunnel, which drilled through the hills of the Comstock and took more than 9 years to complete.
5) NvMA Contest: What Do You Love About Nevada
To celebrate Nevada Day, the NvMA hosted a contest on its Facebook page asking people to share what they loved about Nevada.
Click here to see part one!