Nevada is well known for its gold and silver mining, but the state produces more than 20 minerals we use every day. Here are 5 things you may not know about one of those minerals: Diatomaceous earth.
It’s made of what?
While most materials mined in Nevada are the result of lava cooling underneath the Earth’s surface millions of years ago, diatomaceous earth (DE) is made up of fossilized aquatic organisms known as diatoms. Once mined, DE is ground into a powder and used in a wide variety of products people use every day.
Cheers to DE!
Americans consume nearly 7 billion gallons of beer and over 4 billion bottles of wine annually, making them two of the most enjoyed beverages in the country. DE is commonly used in the filtration process of both because of its ability to remove unwanted solids from liquids.
Play Ball!
There’s nothing more American than baseball, and DE plays an important role in keeping the sport safe. Several major league, minor league, and college teams use DE on infields to prevent dirt from hardening, caking, and to absorb moisture during rainstorms.

Pest Control
Looking for a pet-friendly home and garden pest control? DE is the answer! Crushed DE is comprised of microscopic sharp edges that kill destructive bugs but is non-toxic for humans and four-legged friends to consume.
Part of your morning routine
DE a popular way to start the day. Several different types of shampoos and cosmetics use DE as a natural additive because it is gentler on skin than chemicals. Some toothpastes also use DE to remove plaque from teeth.
Want to learn more about the 20 minerals produced in Nevada? Check out our minerals page.