Meet a Nevada Mineral: Magnesium
Nevada produces more than 20 minerals and metals we use every day. Here are 5 things you may not know about one of them: Magnesium

1) Gets You Where You Want to Go
Magnesium is less dense and lighter in weight than nearly every other metal. Because of that, magnesium alloys are used in automobile production to minimize weight.
2) No Heavy Lifting Needed
Car seats would be even harder to install without magnesium! The metal’s lighter weight makes it the perfect addition to products people use every day, including laptops, smart phones, and car seats.
3) Say Mining!
In the 1850’s, photographers looking to give their photos a spark turned to magnesium. Producing a bright, white color when burned, magnesium was the original method for flash photography. Other technologies eventually replaced it, but burning magnesium is still used to produce the white colored fireworks that light the night sky.
4) Part of a Balanced Diet
Magnesium is a vital mineral for humans, contributing to over 300 bodily functions, including keeping bones and the immune system healthy. The mineral can be found in a number of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts.
5) In Nevada
Nevada produced 112,634 tons of magnesium in 2017, all of which is mined in Nye County.