The Nevada Mining Association is celebrating its 109th anniversary this March. Check out what else was happening around Nevada and the United States in 1913, the year the NVMA got its start:

The Tonopah area had its biggest year of production, mining $10 million worth of gold, silver, copper, and lead (over $250 million today).
A sudden cloudburst storm resulted in a flash-flood sweeping through Goldfield, causing $100,000 ($2.5 million today) worth of damage.
A result of the gold standard, the price of gold was fixed at $20.67.
Nevada passed its first law specific to motor vehicles, creating a licence fee of 12.5 cents per one horsepower.
Nevada State Route 1 was designated as the state’s first highway which runs along parts of modern day Interstate-80.

United States
Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated as the 28th President of the United States.
The 16th and 17th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were passed. The 16th instituted the federal income tax. The 17th required U.S. senators to be directly elected instead of appointed.
Construction was completed on the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental highway in the United States. The highway runs through modern day Highway 50 in Nevada.
Ford introduced the moving assembly line system, allowing the company to increase production of the Model T at a significantly lower price.
The Philadelphia Athletics defeated the New York Giants in the World Series.