Five NvMA Members Recognized at NDOM Reclamation Awards
The Nevada Division of Minerals announced the recipients of the 2018 Nevada Excellence in Mine Reclamation Award Winners at the NvMA’s convention on September 8th. In total, five NvMA members were recognized:
Coeur Rochester, Inc. received an award for Cooperative Partnership in Preservation of Mining History for contributing a permanent Historic Rochester Mining District exhibit to the Marzen House Museum, and for their thirteen-year involvement in the annual Lovelock Cave Days event in Pershing County.
- Lithium Nevada Corp. received an award for Exploration Project Remediation for their exceptional work in reclaiming drill pads and access roads following their Upper Basin Exploration Project in the Montana Mountains in Humboldt County.
- KGHM received an award for Leadership in Reclamation for their work in incorporating creative reclamation controls into new waste facilities, which help mitigate legacy acid mine drainage environmental issues in White Pine County.
- Kinross Gold U.S.A, Inc. has received an award for Leadership in Conservation Planning for voluntarily enrolling into the Nevada Conservation Credit System to mitigate impacts to Greater Sage-grouse and its habitats for its mine expansion at the Bald Mountain Mine in White Pine County.
- Newmont Mining Corp. received an award for Concurrent Reclamation for their innovative work in reclaiming their North Area Leach Facility, Phase I-II, while continuing to operate other parts of the facility, in Eureka County.
“The Goal of the annual State Reclamation Awards is to encourage operators and explorers to submit sound reclamation plans, raise industry standards, and increase public awareness of the positive aspects of mining, and encourage innovation in reclamation techniques. “This year’s award winners met these goals and are to be commended for their efforts”, said Rich Perry, Administrator of the Nevada Division of Minerals. “By sharing their work with others, the Nevada Mining and Exploration industries continue to lead the Nation in successful reclamation, community partnerships and environmental protection practices.”
Awards were selected by a committee with members representing the Nevada Department of Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Forest Service, and the Nevada Division of Minerals. Mines must receive an unanimous vote from the committee in order to qualify for an award.
For more information about the Reclamation Awards, visit the Division of Minerals’s website.